Board Officers
The Mission of The Dee Howard Foundation (DHF) is to honor San Antonio’s aviation and aerospace history and to nurture our innovators of the future. We seek to inspire, challenge and empower innovators in these fields while helping to train a skilled workforce for the San Antonio, Texas region while being open to expanding our programming beyond this region in the future. Our educational focus is primarily on Pre-K thru 12 underserved students and first-generation college students through the DHF Pre-K thru 12 Aeronautical STEM Pathway Initiative
Board Members
ChairTyler J. SchroederSenior Manager, Govt. Relations, Boeing
Immediate Past ChairBianca RhodesCEO, Knight Aerospace
SecretaryDan GonzalesVice President, StandardAero
TreasurerJT NorrisProfessor of Accounting, UIW
Chair Finance/Audit/FundraisingCol. Dick Francey, Ret. Army
Chair Mission AdvancementJoe FisherPresident of Hallmark University
Chair Marketing and Branding CommitteeAdrianna Rocha GarciaCouncilwoman
Wayne AlexanderRet. President of SBC
Chris BeardsallDean for Academic Success at St. Phillips College
Dr. Chris CombsDee Howard Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, UTSA
Lt. Col. Olga E. Custodio, Ret. USAFED of Women in Aviation Alamo Chapter
Tony MagaroVice President, Human Resources, Southwest Research Institute
Dr. Sean Maika
Superintendent North East ISD
Dr. Thomas McNishBiodynamic Research Corp and Vietnam POW
William W. SurbeyRet. Aerospace Engineer
Brad WebbUSAF, Retired
Wayne FaganFounder & Board Chair Emeritus, The Dee Howard Foundation
Ex-Officio Board Members
Jim Perschbach
President & CEO, Port San Antonio
Jeff WebsterPresident & CEO, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
Dan YoxallPresident/CEO, San Antonio Manufacturers Association
David E. Marquez
Executive Director, Bexar County Economic Development
Leo GomezPresident & CEO, Brooks
Jenna Saucedo-HerreraPresident/Chief Executive Officer, Greater: SATX
Help us make a difference
Donations to The Dee Howard Foundation Fund are securely managed by San Antonio Area Foundation